Everyday my life is only school.. tuition.. school.. tuition - .-"
I really miss holidays a lot ! !
See my stress face..
Use my brain too much dy after not using it for 1 year plus.
I never study anything since i was form4..
Inside my brain is totally B-L-A-N-K !
Feel super regret.. Have to study double harder if i want to score better in spm T^T
Really hate to see them. But I tell myself to love them because i will avoid them if i hate them then i cant study /:
Feel so comfortable to have him around me. I wish i can bring him along to school xD
I Love You Bi (:
* don't know why recently love to myself in my naked face, well i should stop putting make up to spoil my face (; *
Always when i was bored, there is this fella to be with me..
He purposely came to fetch me after my tuition. Even he is at his working hour. How sweet he is ? (; And my favourite McDonald for me !
do a little camwhore in the car.
I really miss this place alot.
Party really hard in there, dance all night long in there. Having lots of fun in there.
So wish to go there badly.
I can go on Saturday, but i much more prefer on Thursday, more people there..
I know i couldn't go, I have school on the next day /:
I Miss Going Maison /: Haizzz..
Talk about maison..