♥ Melissa Beh ♥

~Here Is Where My Story Begin~

New Year 2010 (:

Happy New Year to Everyone (:

Goodbye to 2009 & Welcome 2010 !

How do people out there celebrate their new year ?
I think mostly people have their own party at home, going curve or 1u to countdown, drive up to genting or maybe headed to club.
Well this year I celebrate it at Maison (:
Not bad after all. Trap into the jam while on the way going. Manage to enjoy the fireworks at KL.


School starting soon..
Haiz. I gonna miss the holiday so much but i miss my classmates more xD
Hope everything is gonna be fine at school & I can be more hardworkings on my homework.
I'm form 5 next year and spm is my next challenge.
I was pretty stress when i thinks about it.
Wish me luck (:
Good Luck to all my babes in the new year.
New Year New Life (:
Whatever shits that happens on the last year, let it stays there. Just throw them aside and look forward on the future. Think positively (:
Be happy always, give out a big smile even though you are facing any shits now.
I guess i just have to stop here.

XoXo !


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